I believe that all of us must work actively for justice and sustainability.
I am the co-founder and president of Take Back Your Time, co-founder of the Happiness Alliance, former policy director of the Simplicity Forum and founder of the emerging organization, Make America Beautiful Again. I'm a senior advisor to Earth Economics, an ecosystem services organization, a board member of Earth Island Institute, and an advisory board member of the Donella Meadows Institute. I was an advisor to the government of Bhutan in 2013 and to the Happiness Ministry of the United Arab Emirates in 2017.
I have been involved in the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, Volunteers in Service to America, the University of Wisconsin anti-Vietnam War movement, Students for a Democratic Society, the Wisconsin Alliance, the Venceremos Brigade, the Minnesota Farmer-Labor Association, the New American Movement, Democratic Socialists of America, the Washington Commonwealth Federation, the Democratic Party, the Northwest Progressive Institute, the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, Sustainable Seattle, the Balaton Sustainability Group, and many other social justice and environmental causes.
“I’d follow John de Graaf anywhere — and often have. He’s a consummate activist and human: brilliant, kind, dedicated, fair and always working on cross-cutting issues that are high-minded, full-hearted and canny politically.”
“I’ve never hosted a more influential, thought-provoking, forward- thinking speaker than John de Graaf. He has inspired students and faculty across disciplines with his wealth of knowledge, humor and vision for a better world. His work has led the University of Central Missouri to celebrate Take Back Your Time Day every year since the event began.”