I’ve been writing for local, national and international publications since the late 1960s, including the publications and pieces below. My most popular article, THE WANDERVOGEL, written for Co-Evolution Quarterly (Whole Earth Catalogue) in 1977, is no longer available online, but can be downloaded as a PDF here. The story of the German counterculture between World War I and II and its similarities with our own 60s’ counterculture, it was republished in several languages—in the Netherlands, France, Quebec, Spain, Belgium, the UK and Australia. My themes have been quite consistent over the past 40 years—we must find a simpler, healthier, more satisfying and more sustainable way to live.
“John’s activism springs from the ideals and passion of John Muir. The audience catches that fervor in his presentations and the results are transformative! He researches the data, connects the issues, and engagingly educates, all with the goal of making new advocates of his audience.”